June 30, 2009

Snap shots

Piper has taken to using the camera. I'm a little nervous about her wanting to walk around snapping pictures with our expensive camera. Instead I dug out my old Holga just for her to use. She likes it even though there is not a lot of buttons and she can't quite manage the shutter.

Now where to get and develop 60 mm film?

June 28, 2009

Wedding Weekend

Congratulations to Dylan and Joanna on their wedding at Ninepatch!

Friday and Saturday morning were spent preparing. The pig was slaughtered, shaved and pit roasted. The food was made. We had a wedding.

Dresses...mine in need of an ironing. Also, I made aprons for the girls to wear serving and cleaning up, twelve of them. Forgot to photograph them.

June 25, 2009

Morning Scene

I had a craving this morning, which really started last night as I was going through old magazines to recycle....crepes. I hadn't had them in so long and just couldn't put it off one day longer. With reckless abandon Piper and I headed out without brushing hair or teeth or putting on make-up let alone showering, to get the missing ingredient, milk. Milk is a rare commodity around here since there is no more mama's milk, seems like we're almost out just as soon as we're stocked.

Returning home we promptly set to work creating a mess and some delicious, slightly unhealthy, breakfast.

They hit the spot, as you can see by the jam smeared across my love's face. Now if you ever find yourself in Paris, and what a wonderful place to find yourself, you must have crepes from one of the street vendors. Those are simply to die for.

June 21, 2009

A Papa's Weekend

We had a full weekend home and away. Saturday afternoon we attended our first of the annual Friends of Homebirth picnics. It was incredible to see all the families that turned out, we are definitely not alone in our birthing choice. Such a real sense of community among a group that is so like us but yet each unique in their own way. Amazing mamas nursing openly and baby wearing, amazing papas and kids running and playing, and amazing food.

After that we were off to Zac's old stompin' grounds to visit with some of his family. Piper got roughed up by two cousins. A lot by one, and a little by another. My poor love didn't know how tough it can be to have cousins. Zac and I are just hoping she didn't pick up any ideas. They had a family BBQ, in honor of Papa's Day. Piper tuckered out early due to lack of nap and I was given a thoughtful gift...BUTTONS, lots of buttons. Some old, some new, but all very fun.

Here is what Piper got for her Papa:

She was so excited to color it and even more excited to hand it over to her Papa. I wish the envelope hadn't gotten tossed out, it was the best part. I had helped her write out 'Papa' that she liked to point out 'p' on. Then she decided to color the envelope to the point of nearly coloring out the papa. We feel that we honor the papa of our family daily but thought it would be fun for Piper to color a card for him. And it was.

Hoping everyone had a wonderful summer solstice (a great big Happy Anniversary to my Mama and Papa - 34 years!) and that all those papas out there felt honored.

June 14, 2009

A Sunday Swim

Our pool opened today, well yes the city pool/beach. But I'm referring to the *pool* in our back yard. Piper and I were too relaxed today and Zac was too post-Polka-Fest-pooped-out for us to make it to the city beach before close. It was just hot enough out to put Piper in a slightly cool tub in the yard. Piper was giggly getting in and out of the tub, chasing the ball around the yard in just what nature gave her. In fact it was dinner time before she finally put her clothes back on.

We hope your weekend was enjoyable!

June 12, 2009

Finger Painting

I made some non-toxic, eco-friendly finger paints for Piper today. Lime green, turquoise, and purple. Since falling asleep in the car meant a real nap was pointless. Piper spent more time in bed talking about the neighbor girl than actual sleeping, or trying to fall asleep. Instead she stripped down to just the essentials, she'd probably disagree that a diaper is essential but..., and headed outside where clean-up is much easier to manage.

At first she didn't like it on her finger. Then thought it should go into her hair. That all passed quickly and she was plunging her hand to the bottom of the cup each time it opened and had the paper and herself sufficiently covered. Then off to wander the yard in her happy state of undress.

By the time all was said and done, she needed a full bath. Which she enjoyed nearly as much as the painting itself. Good news is that the paint washes off easily with a simple marinade in the bath tub, no scrubbing required. Lets hope it's the same for washing her diaper cover.

June 08, 2009

Big Birds

Look at what we found in our neighbor's yard this morning...cranes! I tried to get close but they would move away, as I moved in.

Thought we'd share our midst of bread making excitement.

We found these too. Last night's thunderstorm awakened some of the peonies.

June 07, 2009

At Long Last

We've been searching for the perfect 'patio furniture' for a few years now. Nothing we found satisfied all our criteria and was in our price range. After a brief look again this year I thought, *picnic table* it will have to be. Wasn't my first choice because I think most of them look cheap. We commissioned to have this one made for us and we like it.

It was delivered Thursday evening and we enjoyed our first dinner outdoors. I loved it, Piper was amused, and I don't think Zac cared one way or another so long as I was happy. I wanted to post pictures of our outside dinners, but really who remembers to bring their camera to dinner. My second favorite part about it, is that the benches are separate from the table. Meaning that when we have guests for a fire we can use them for additional fire viewing seating in a pinch. Now I have my eye on a pair of Adirondack chairs for said fire viewing, wish me luck.

Planned to post days ago but have been too busy. Cleaning window sills and putting in screens occupied my time. Yes, I know that is to be done in the spring. We didn't know that our living room windows even opened. So many in our old old house are painted shut.

Piper and I trekked to a bridal shower for my soon to be sister-in-law. By request I knit them both fingerless mittens. Again, yes, I know that's a fall/spring staple..it was by request. Modeled here by my love and me.

Hope your weekend was well despite the rain.

June 02, 2009

Oh My Love!

Our trip to Minneapolis last week was short but yielded some treasures from the Lakeshore Learning Store Piper and I found and spent way too much time in. Since our return it's just been business as usual. Yard work and family time.

As we played this morning Piper decided she needed a new outfit and began pulling out things she wanted to wear. Oh how I love the outfits my love creates!

What you don't see is that under that skirt is a pair of apple and pear pajama pants and a pair of purple and blue checked shorts. How she moves her lower half is a wonder to me.