November 30, 2009

Our Life With Two

A few quiet moments amongst the mess from our day.

November 25, 2009


On these days dedicated to giving thanks, we have much to be thankful for. We brought our sweet little man home today. We're joyful to finally be home together at last. We now face new challenges and time management. Time now for shutting ourselves in and enjoying our baby moon.
Calder Carlson Hess
born to home
November 25th 2009, 2:20ish
5 lbs 14.1 oz and 17 3/4 inches

November 22, 2009

Around Here

Things have been moving a bit slower around these parts in the past few weeks. Aside from those moments we spend with the smallest member of our family. Some how those move faster. When Calder was still Two we were making changes in our little home to better fit our needs and our growing family. It started with our ambitious goal of finishing our house to-do list and morphed into additional adjustments. Some small, some larger to make the most of our small home and make the space we do have work best for us and our evolving family. After Calder's arrival things were put on hold and then eventually resumed but at a much slower pace. At last things seem to be coming together and this is what we have been working on while waiting for us all to be together:
: : I know many are eagerly awaiting an update on Calder. He's doing well, up to 5# 13oz. We hope to know more tomorrow about his homecoming.

November 12, 2009

Doing What She Likes Best

: : This one is by Grandpapa from Piper's first ever stay away - to the farm. : :

November 08, 2009

One Month

Calder is one month old today. He's smiley (other than for this picture - can't a guy just sleep with Papa undisturbed?), mellow and full of little boy charm. Oh, and nearly 5 pounds - 4# 15.7oz.

November 04, 2009

These Days

In the last few days Piper and I worked on an art project. Something we've not done in a few weeks and missed dearly. She did the fun part. I did the cutting part. She got to get all messy with the finger paints and had herself quite a time. (Anyone else notice that wearing art smocks, unless they cover the full body, doesn't necessarily mean there will be no paint on the clothing underneath? And they most certainly do not protect the artist's face!)

When all was said and done I was inspired to wash the floor (no better reason to do that other than post art project clean up) and we had a kitchen sized piece of paper that needed to dry for a day - really it did!

We, O.K. I, then turned said sheet of paper into to these...leaves. Piper's new found obsession. Oodles come in from outside with nearly every trip in the door. Part of them ended up taped to our living room windows, they are quite cute when the sun shines through them, and a few were taken to decorate Calder's room.

After all the sweet babe is in an open air crib now, he must have some new decorations to look at. Even better that they are big sister made.

November 01, 2009