January 22, 2013

Cold Days

It's cold today. So very cold. We decided to make like a hobbit and stay indoors. In addition, to follow the sun and its sense of warmth. Games, snacks, more games and even Piper making Pretend Soup for our lunch.
Stay warm friends.

January 19, 2013


{A date downtown with my favorite lady}

January 12, 2013

The Boy

He climbs in our bed in the wee hours. He takes over, makes himself comfortable. We sleep restlessly, he perfectly. Waking to the sleeping boy makes one forget the kink in your neck.

January 09, 2013


I unexpectedly found myself with a few hours without kids. {Many thanks to a great Auntie.} When I'm with the little ones I have a list constantly running through my head of things I'd do if given some free time. Then I get it and I can't think of a thing to do. So first I treated myself to a kid free trip to Anthropology. Nothing like being alone in a store so filled with beauty. No need to worry about what was being picked up or potentially knocked over. Then I leisurely sat on the sofa, knit and basted the pork I was going to enjoy alone with my man. Oh the small joys!