March 14, 2009

A(nother) Blog is Born

Welcome to HomeGrownHess! We, or rather I, have entertained the thought of blogging for sometime now. Those thoughts were put on hold, temporarily, when Zac created Since that sadly met its early demise with not one update I thought it was time to try my hand at this. I *think* I'll be better at updating than Zac, we all know how busy he is. Mostly I wanted a forum for us to let those of you that are out of town, or for those of you in town but we can't coordinate schedules often enough, to see what is what with the Hesses. I opted for this over continually mass emailing because, well, some may just not care what we're up to and I wouldn't want to add to your email box clutter. If you want to know, continue reading and I'll continue writing. This is not going to be a catalog of our every movement, really how boring would that be. Sorry to disappoint those of you who would like that, you know who you are. But I will try to update at least weekly depending on our goings on, post pictures and shamelessly show off my most recent creations.




the4th said...

truly a homegrown endeavor. The page looks fantastic. I'm excited to see what the future will bring.

Anonymous said...

Great idea!! I've already saved it as a favorite and look forward to looking in every once in awhile. Thanks for inviting us into your lives!

Anonymous said...

We're so glad you are doing thisl It will be fun to hear about the things you are doing and we will be enjoying every single picture we see.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing and seeing what your up to. I'm little disappointed that you've opted for highlights reel instead of the daily play-by-play. Can't wait to see what you've handcrafted lately. Hannah LOVES her apron!

Later Sun-Maiden

Anonymous said...

Love those sucky thumb mittens! What a neat idea. Your knitting looks great!

DiAnne said...

Phil sent me your link. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy the photo's of Piper. Happy to hear her surgery went well.
Looking forward to a trip north sometime this year to visit again.
lol DiAnne