Some think we never have "those" kind of days around here. We do - I just choose to remember the "other" kind days. And that's what I post about here. I tell it all to Zac and move on. Yesterday was one of "those" days, one that really started the evening before.
We were all hot and lacking a nap, or a good one, and starting to walk that cranky road. Zac was off boating with friends since late afternoon. Calder didn't want to be put down, nothing seemed quite right to him. Piper was playing in the back yard with the neighbor girl. Whose uncle thought it funny to make 'scary' noises from their kitchen window. Piper ran across the yard to me yelling, 'Mama, Mama Bear!' searching for solace. That was the highlight of my evening, too darn cute to be called Mama Bear in a moment of panic.
We had late dinner and a hard time going to bed. Mid night Piper woke me to take her potty. She had already peed some in her underwear. Miraculously her sheets were not wet. Not that it mattered she wanted to sleep in our bed now. There she proceeded to barely sleep, kicking her legs non-stop trying to scratch a mosquito bite she had on her inner calf. Kept both (part of the night - all three) of us up until Calder woke in the early morning to nurse. I convinced her to lay in her bed while I nursed Calder and fell asleep. Came running in just a couple of hours later crabby from lack of sleep and angry for not being retrieved back to my bed. Calder was up now too.
We got out of bed, crabby myself for not getting a good nights sleep or allowed to sleep in a bit. Calder had wet through his diaper. As I went to change him I remembered that I forgot to wash diapers last night. We had just enough clean to make it through. Nothing was going right, both were having melt downs as I tended to the other one. Or grunted non stop because they couldn't make their body work they way they wanted it to. Frustrating for him and for me. I fed us cold cereal for breakfast and felt guilty for being so lazy. Piper said, 'we should go for a walk'. Yes, yes, yes, that was exactly what we needed (she's so smart!). We had to get out, we had to leave the house. I rushed to dress us all before another break down could occur or any thing else could be needed and not found. Finally out into the hot muggy air headed for the park. It was 9 am!
Things got better and we're completely back to normal this morning. Good nights sleep all around. Even as I write it out, it doesn't seem as bad as it did then.
Just off the needles late last week was this cute cap sleeve number in purple for my purple loving lady. In perfect time for our 80 and 90 degree days - sometimes works like that. *sigh* Living in the state we do I knew there would still be chance to debut this number. Today's rainy thunder stormy morning brought just such an opportunity.
As we went the yarn shop a couple of weeks back to pick out yarn she told me she was going to pick pink. When faced with all the choices, pink didn't even come up once. She settled on purple, it compliments her eyes beautifully.
Oh, and goes with her new favorite purple flip flops.
May 25, 2010
May 23, 2010
It's a hot one around our house. Luckily inside is a cool reprieve with the windows open to the shady breeze in front. With such beautiful weather we're hesitant to stay inside.
We walked downtown this morning for a little brunch. By the time we were back at our front stoop we were all feeling a bit flushed. Sat for a bit in the shade, removed as much clothing as we could. Calder was feeling the heat in a sleepy sort of way. I came in for a drink, sat him down and next thing I knew he was sleeping. Not for long - which I also think had to do with the heat. He's a hot one that Calder of ours.
Yesterday morning, and today too, Piper and I found a duck couple in our backyard. Piper pointed out that they're not by the water. They spent most of yesterday morning in the shade of our big pine tree.
We on the other hand spent our morning yesterday, from eight till lunch, volunteering at a nearby elementary school. There was landscaping to be done. We planted new shrubs, spread mulch, moved a couple of hostas, and a bit of weeding.
Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?
When Piper was just a baby we got the idea of doing one community service project each year as a family. We thought it would aid in instilling in our children a sense of community, goodwill and appreciation for what we have. Just before Piper turned one, we helped serve a meal to the less fortunate in our community. She didn't understand what we were doing, of course, but we felt sure that we were on the right track with this. We figured we'd do something similar the next winter. That didn't happen, Calder came before he was expected, we had a little too much to coordinate. Then this opportunity presented itself to us.
Piper had a good time, understood what we were doing this time. Probably not the why, but its a start. She grabbed a big shovel and tried her best to help out. Was mostly content to wander the play ground and watch us with snack or drink in hand. Calder was all over too, in the carrier multiple times, a nap in the stroller and on the blanket on the ground.
Hoping you all stayed cool in your weekending.
We walked downtown this morning for a little brunch. By the time we were back at our front stoop we were all feeling a bit flushed. Sat for a bit in the shade, removed as much clothing as we could. Calder was feeling the heat in a sleepy sort of way. I came in for a drink, sat him down and next thing I knew he was sleeping. Not for long - which I also think had to do with the heat. He's a hot one that Calder of ours.
Yesterday morning, and today too, Piper and I found a duck couple in our backyard. Piper pointed out that they're not by the water. They spent most of yesterday morning in the shade of our big pine tree.
We on the other hand spent our morning yesterday, from eight till lunch, volunteering at a nearby elementary school. There was landscaping to be done. We planted new shrubs, spread mulch, moved a couple of hostas, and a bit of weeding.
Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?
Martin Luther King, Jr
When Piper was just a baby we got the idea of doing one community service project each year as a family. We thought it would aid in instilling in our children a sense of community, goodwill and appreciation for what we have. Just before Piper turned one, we helped serve a meal to the less fortunate in our community. She didn't understand what we were doing, of course, but we felt sure that we were on the right track with this. We figured we'd do something similar the next winter. That didn't happen, Calder came before he was expected, we had a little too much to coordinate. Then this opportunity presented itself to us.
Piper had a good time, understood what we were doing this time. Probably not the why, but its a start. She grabbed a big shovel and tried her best to help out. Was mostly content to wander the play ground and watch us with snack or drink in hand. Calder was all over too, in the carrier multiple times, a nap in the stroller and on the blanket on the ground.
May 21, 2010
May 18, 2010
Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.
Mary Jean Iron
May 14, 2010
Off to the Movies
I think I was blogged out this week. So much effort went into last week. I'm still working on putting together my album and plan to share when I'm finished.
I took Piper (and Calder) to her first movie at the theater yesterday. A documentary - welcome to our family lady. It was about a subject she loves at least. It was Babies!
The whole process was fun for her. Going in, getting our tickets, the line for popcorn (a decaf mocha for me) and the big 'TV'. Piper did well and as I suspected talked me through most of the movie. Her favorite part: 'that baby is nursing on that baby's bee bo!' One of my favorite parts was when she told everyone she passed in our isle 'I have to peepee. I'm going to go to the bathroom.' Luckily some of the knew us.
Happy weekending to you!
I took Piper (and Calder) to her first movie at the theater yesterday. A documentary - welcome to our family lady. It was about a subject she loves at least. It was Babies!
The whole process was fun for her. Going in, getting our tickets, the line for popcorn (a decaf mocha for me) and the big 'TV'. Piper did well and as I suspected talked me through most of the movie. Her favorite part: 'that baby is nursing on that baby's bee bo!' One of my favorite parts was when she told everyone she passed in our isle 'I have to peepee. I'm going to go to the bathroom.' Luckily some of the knew us.
Happy weekending to you!
May 10, 2010
Week In the Life : Day Seven
Zac took the littles down stairs when they woke early this morning so I could try to catch up on some sleep. Calder was restless and was up most of the night last night due to his runny nose. I came down a while later, took the kids and Zac resumed his normal weekend morning routine.
While I ate breakfast, Calder sat in his swing. I caught him sucking his thumb. Not his standard two fingers.
Piper spent a bit of time after breakfast trying out the shoes I wore out last night. She found them a little hard to get around in and abandoned them on the floor.
Piper spent a bit of time after breakfast trying out the shoes I wore out last night. She found them a little hard to get around in and abandoned them on the floor.
I think the changes in weather the past few days brought on Calder's runny nose. Poor man! He was fussy on and off, needed lots of extra loving, cuddling and bouncing.
Our late morning and early afternoon were spent in and out of the car. Lunch out again. We got home for a late nap. Zac napped with Piper again. Calder didn't want to go down so he and I tried to keep quite so Piper would sleep.
I spent a little time in the yard. Pulling weeds, picking flowers. Calder decided to take a small nap. After he woke up and nursed Piper thought maybe Calder would want to sit by her. She wanted him on her lap so she could play that he was riding a motorcycle. She made engine noises and tried her best to hold him up while she moved her legs as if he was driving curves. He liked it, he was happy and laughing.
Zac, as has become our weekly tradition, made us popcorn on the stove top for dinner. Piper went up to bed, thought she wanted to try to take herself to bed. But backed out as she headed up the stairs. I took her to bed and Calder an hour later.
Our late morning and early afternoon were spent in and out of the car. Lunch out again. We got home for a late nap. Zac napped with Piper again. Calder didn't want to go down so he and I tried to keep quite so Piper would sleep.
I spent a little time in the yard. Pulling weeds, picking flowers. Calder decided to take a small nap. After he woke up and nursed Piper thought maybe Calder would want to sit by her. She wanted him on her lap so she could play that he was riding a motorcycle. She made engine noises and tried her best to hold him up while she moved her legs as if he was driving curves. He liked it, he was happy and laughing.
Zac, as has become our weekly tradition, made us popcorn on the stove top for dinner. Piper went up to bed, thought she wanted to try to take herself to bed. But backed out as she headed up the stairs. I took her to bed and Calder an hour later.
Well that's it. Our Week in the Life is over. I don't know that it was a normal week for us. Maybe normal in the sense that we don't always know what our weeks will bring when we start them. We strive for more of a rhythm to our days and weeks than a set schedule.
I had fun, but am feeling a little relief that I don't have to document our days anymore - at least for a while. Now I need to find some time to put this into the final product. I'm hoping that what I've already worked on in this space will lead me down the road I need to be on.
Enjoy your week!
I had fun, but am feeling a little relief that I don't have to document our days anymore - at least for a while. Now I need to find some time to put this into the final product. I'm hoping that what I've already worked on in this space will lead me down the road I need to be on.
Enjoy your week!
May 09, 2010
Week In the Life : Day Six
Saturday joins us like every other day. But today the kids and I are up first. While Zac sleeps in, I make Piper and I pancakes. And again when Zac gets up.
We have our morning dance club. Today to the new CD we borrowed from the library yesterday. This one is about jumping and has instructions on what you're to be doing. Piper listens intently to follow along. She woke up in the same outfit she picked out and wore yesterday. Wanted to wear it to bed last night and I don't fight that.
Its COLD and rainy out. Our plans for yard work are on hold for the day. We pile in the car to go scouting. Along our trip Piper comments on how Zac and I have matching hair color. Indeed Sweet P, that's what you're in for too, I'd imagine.
While we're out we grab lunch at a little cafe near our old apartment. Food is good, water is bad. Piper says she's being dangerous by putting her booster on an elevated part of the bench. Calder fusses through most of lunch. I end up walking him around to quiet him. We head home for naps - Zac included. I do some clean up around the house and put on a movie.
Nap time nearly ran to dinner time. Not long after everyone's up I start dinner - chimichangas. Again, Calder's not happy to be in his chair for long. I end up eating with him on my lap.
After dinner is cleaned up, I set to vacuuming the floor. Piper wants to come along in the carrier. She prefers to ride on the 'front side' which is a little cumbersome. But I do it, how can I argue with my 28 month old still wanting to be in the carrier to cuddle during house chores. Some day she'll want nothing to do with it.
Littles get off to bed. Around 9 I head out the door, which is very rare for me. I meet up with two of my sisters in Madison for a drink and a bachelorette party. How pleased I was, as a 29 year old mama of two, to get carded at both places we went to. Stayed out past my bed time and came home to a snotty baby who wanted to nurse all night.
May 08, 2010
Week In the Life : Day Five
Today was rainy. The dreary day must have made everyone tired, or maybe it was the lack of nap yesterday, Piper slept until almost 9. Calder was up for a bit around 8 then fell back to sleep until 10. While Calder slept Piper and I had our breakfast - eggs and jam for her, I had my jam with my toast. Piper decided to take a shower with me because 'my shoulder is stinky.'
While I got Calder ready for the day Piper brought out the only noise maker in the house, a book. It wasn't working so she request a screwdriver so that she could set to fixing it. She couldn't get it working - darn!
When we were ready to leave it was still raining, so we drove to the library. We took the long way so that I could check if the farmer's market had been rained out. It had, only the seafood truck was there - pass. A stop at the drive thru coffee shop for a decaf mocha and we finally make it to the library. Piper picked out all the Berenstain Bear books, as she does every week, and requests some books about elephants.
Left overs for lunch. As usual she's much slower than I am, probably because she chats more than she eats, and Calder and I stand around waiting to take her to nap. Calder goes down next. I do dishes and clean up, then knit a bit and chat on the phone.
Its still drizzling and chilly out after nap time so we set up at the table for some drawing. Calder sits in his highchair with a few toys. He's happy!
Piper does some beautiful work while trying to dictate what I should be drawing with on my paper.
With both littles happy, I do my own project for a few minutes. After I'm done I hold Calder on my lap, he's grunty because he can't get his hands on the colored pencils. I help him out and hand him a couple.
Zac gets home and we leave to go out to fish fry. We snap a quick family picture while Zac's busy on the phone trying to make plans for later. I'm glad I have the night off from cooking and spare myself another pile of dishes to wash. Piper orders herself a lemonade at the restaurant. Calder falls asleep on the bench. We get home early enough before bed to goof around, make up and sing songs and read a few stories.
When we were ready to leave it was still raining, so we drove to the library. We took the long way so that I could check if the farmer's market had been rained out. It had, only the seafood truck was there - pass. A stop at the drive thru coffee shop for a decaf mocha and we finally make it to the library. Piper picked out all the Berenstain Bear books, as she does every week, and requests some books about elephants.
Left overs for lunch. As usual she's much slower than I am, probably because she chats more than she eats, and Calder and I stand around waiting to take her to nap. Calder goes down next. I do dishes and clean up, then knit a bit and chat on the phone.
Its still drizzling and chilly out after nap time so we set up at the table for some drawing. Calder sits in his highchair with a few toys. He's happy!
Piper does some beautiful work while trying to dictate what I should be drawing with on my paper.
With both littles happy, I do my own project for a few minutes. After I'm done I hold Calder on my lap, he's grunty because he can't get his hands on the colored pencils. I help him out and hand him a couple.
Zac gets home and we leave to go out to fish fry. We snap a quick family picture while Zac's busy on the phone trying to make plans for later. I'm glad I have the night off from cooking and spare myself another pile of dishes to wash. Piper orders herself a lemonade at the restaurant. Calder falls asleep on the bench. We get home early enough before bed to goof around, make up and sing songs and read a few stories.
May 07, 2010
Week In the Life : Day Four
A lazy morning, we woke up late and laid in bed until 9. Met with a rush to get out the door to our play date.
Quick breakfast. After Piper asks to watch something. She rarely wants to watch TV, maybe once every two weeks. I put on PBS for her, while I check email. That last about 15 mins and she asks to turn it off. A quick shower and we hit the road.
Play date with friends at Bean Sprouts. Piper takes up one of her favorite activities - coloring. She found a coloring book with kitties in it.
Yum! Strawberry, banana smoothie with lunch.
Calder and I pose for a picture before we're off to pick up Zac for an after lunch meeting.
Normal nap time was missed while out. But Calder is no cranky pants about it. We play while trying to convince Piper to take a nap. Today she wins. She comes down for a drink. Tells me, 'I thought of something while I was upstairs.' Upon asking her what she tells me, 'I need some orange juice.' I tell her good thing she came to get some then.
I wash up the dishes and start the diapers. Piper entertains Calder, who's swinging, by pretending to make him cookies. Even goes so far as to get out a cookie sheet. She's so good at sharing, with everything.
We walk down to the co-op to get the missing ingredients for homemade pizza. My SD card goes on the fritz. I worry my days pictures are gone. Dinner is over, I clean up. Zac and Piper go over to the neighbors again. Piper comes home with a baggie of crackers and goes right to bed - she's tired and cranky from lack of nap. I beg Zac to fix my SD card - and he does, tells me I owe him. Oh I love him and he's good with my broken technology too.
Calder and I pose for a picture before we're off to pick up Zac for an after lunch meeting.
Normal nap time was missed while out. But Calder is no cranky pants about it. We play while trying to convince Piper to take a nap. Today she wins. She comes down for a drink. Tells me, 'I thought of something while I was upstairs.' Upon asking her what she tells me, 'I need some orange juice.' I tell her good thing she came to get some then.
I wash up the dishes and start the diapers. Piper entertains Calder, who's swinging, by pretending to make him cookies. Even goes so far as to get out a cookie sheet. She's so good at sharing, with everything.
We walk down to the co-op to get the missing ingredients for homemade pizza. My SD card goes on the fritz. I worry my days pictures are gone. Dinner is over, I clean up. Zac and Piper go over to the neighbors again. Piper comes home with a baggie of crackers and goes right to bed - she's tired and cranky from lack of nap. I beg Zac to fix my SD card - and he does, tells me I owe him. Oh I love him and he's good with my broken technology too.
May 06, 2010
Week In the Life : Day Three
We were all up in time to see Zac off to work. Piper and I made pancakes for breakfast. She likes to sit and watch them cook and remind me 'I'm not going to touch. Its hot!' I love her wild hair in the mornings, although today is particularly tame.
After breakfast is over Piper started in with her daily dose of book reading. Calder is an attentive audience. She did good work of keeping him occupied while I tried to corral the dishes near the sink for washing...later.
While Calder napped, Piper and I got ready for the day. We played salon and painted our toes. She requested three coats of two different shades of pink, ending with the darkest.Piper got a phone call. She excitedly tells of how she said she had to go potty and 'Mama told me to use the little one cuz she was upstairs getting dressed.' Mad laughter follows. She hangs up and asks to call Zac. We try two of his numbers before reaching him.
Another walk ending at the park. More swinging. Feeling deja vu.
Piper has made house under the slides. Claims the circle part is her car. Calder starts to get drowsy, we head home for lunch.
Calder takes a brief nap - just long enough for me to make and have lunch with Piper. He sits on my lap and we watch Piper finish eating. Off to nap for her. Calder and I play a bit, he nurses and takes his real afternoon nap.
Piper fights me about taking a nap. I insist she needs one and turns out I was right - I find her in bed asleep with her book still propped up in her hands. I wash dishes and fold a basket of laundry then surf the web and IM with Zac.
Dinner is over and the dishes, once again, will wait until tomorrow. Zac took Calder for a walk over to the neighbor's house. Piper and I build towers from the ABC blocks and knock them down. We walk over to join the boys at the neighbor's. Home for Calder to nurse while Piper and Zac pick up sticks from the sidewalk and make a pile in the boulevard. Littles to bed, Zac and I have popcorn and watch some TV.
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