May 05, 2010

Week In the Life : Day Two

Piper doing her morning reading of 'my magazine Mama' (Mothering).

Late breakfast of cold cereal. We share a bowl - she rarely wants her own.

Zac had the day off to take the car in to have the air conditioning fixed. After breakfast he and Piper wrestle on the couch. Calder fell asleep in the swing during breakfast. I sneak off to take a shower - BY MYSELF.

Five minutes in Piper was at the door crying to come in. I was busted. Ended up with a longer than normal shower so she could get a full shower in. Zac leaves just after we're out to go apply for a passport.

Piper says she wants to go for a morning walk. She meant it. She wanted to walk and I ended up pushing Calder alone in the double stroller. She's picked out an awesome outfit today.

Our walk ends at the park for a swing.

Piper tries out multiple swings. Loves that Calder has a swing and is enjoying it - like her. We head home for lunch and a nap. Calder goes down first for a change.

All my chores yesterday means time to relax today. Hung a load of laundry on the line, then sat next to my sleeping baby and knit.

Zac returns home just before 3 with a repaired car and an itch to mow the lawn. When he's done he take the kids inside and I do some weeding. A late start to dinner. Got a run in while the chicken was baking. After a half clean up of dinner we go for ice cream. Bed time for all follows shortly. Dishes will wait for tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm loving your days' diary: helps to have cute kids to document. I have been taking pictures, and scribbling notes, but haven't put the two together yet in any format. Am thinking a simple scrapbook page, maybe? Plus, when I sit down at night I think...too tired to put something together tonight. Papa suggested a power point. Hmmm...mama

Stormy said...

How often do you run? I'm hoping that our daily walk will turn into a daily jog at some point.

HomeGrownMama said...

We're just starting our regimen, so every other day with an exception this week. I had a sore knee. :(
