December 05, 2010

Weekend Doings

We went to bed to snow on Friday. Woke up to more snow on Saturday. Piper had to get out there as fast as she could. She had a new pair of snow pants she wanted to debut. Some pretty pink ones she chose herself. After bundling up well, she went out to 'help Papa shovel'. I think more playing than working was done. While out I heard talk of snowboards, snow angels and snowmen. She came back in rosy cheeked, cold and happy.

Hot cocoa was had to aid in the reheating and on we went with our days.

Hoping you all had a wonderful snow filled weekend.


Anonymous said...

Super cute! Oh and how brave you are getting a white coat for a 3 year old, love it!


HomeGrownMama said...

Yes, white was quite the debate. Zac said go for it, and here we are.


Anonymous said...

Did the mama suggest the cocoa? That seems like something she would do.

HomeGrownMama said...

Who, me? No! I wouldn't have suggested such a thing. :)
