Piper is back home with us. I *think* she may have missed us a bit towards the end. Has fallen quite gracefully into our routine. Such a trooper to spend all the time she does at the hospital.
Here's a little sweetness to add to your day. (Sorry for the slightly blurry picture, it's hard to get a crisp one without a flash.)
Take your needle, my child,
and work at your pattern —
it will come out a rose by and by.
Life is like that . . . one stitch
at a time, taken patiently.
-- Oliver Wendell Homes--
That's what I've been doing off and on throughout the days. Working on my stack of knitting. Zac joked that I should bring my sewing machine to the hospital, that would be a soothing, familiar sound to Calder. That's not quite feasible... I'll continue knitting.and work at your pattern —
it will come out a rose by and by.
Life is like that . . . one stitch
at a time, taken patiently.
-- Oliver Wendell Homes--