August 11, 2010

Run, Jump, Forward Roll

We've been enjoying a tumbling class for the past few weeks. By we, I mean Piper is enrolled in the class, Calder finds great amusement in all the kids, Zac and I sit proudly grinning at our adorably uncoordinated daughter with her expressive faces. I found it wonderful that when asked to stand in line she had no idea what they were talking about. Who needs that when your life is lived at home.

I have to give her credit, she's doing great. Unlike the other kids, who all have a year or two on her, Piper's a first timer. It sometimes takes her a bit of studying of the other kids to be able to do the task that's asked of her, but she gets it.

Piper is loving tumbling. She picks a special outfit to wear each week, which is a joy in of itself for her. She likes the trampolines to jump on. The mats, 'so when you fall it doesn't hurt'. She loves the flipping over, and over, and over.

Oh and her favorite part of class...the piece of candy they give out at the end. Despite Piper's love for tumbling she tells me in fall she might want to try sunshine tot yoga. She may change her mind again in the weeks before tumbling is over.


Anonymous said...

I love the gloves. They make the outfit.

Anonymous said...

That was from Ollie, sorry.