February 11, 2010

New(ish) Bag

I've been known to say that a trip deserves a new bag, our upcoming adventure should be no exception. Zac is heading out west soon for a snowboarding trip. Piper, Calder and I will be spending our days at Ninepatch; meeting a new cousin, eating well, moving cows, and just enjoying the company. I thought Piper needed her own bag this trip. On a recent trip to Happy Bambino she saw a backpack that she liked. I saw the perfect opportunity to up-cycle my old Jansport, which I've had since high school - wow those things last, for her. Its a bit big for her, hanging down her back almost to her knees. Big enough, however, for a weeks plus worth of gear for the farm.

I made a few flowers from fabric I appliqued together. Then Piper and I went through buttons to find flower centers and some to fashion into a 'P'. A 'P' on a square of purple fabric, one of Piper's two favorite colors. Pink being her first, how that happened I don't know. We try hard to let her indulge in her likings as much as possible, even if that means a mama who's not a big fan of pink and purple making many things in this scheme. Nothing on the bag is permanent so if and when her tastes change we can make adjustments.

We are all excited for our trips and apprehensive of our long time apart. Maybe just maybe a special bag of our own will make the trip just that much more fun.


Anonymous said...

Very cute and creative as always! Annika is going to be starting her big arts and crafts project this weekend. Enjoy your trips and the new family member!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy! Family, food, fun! What could be better? Love the nomad gear.

~ Christina

PS Don't forget to update while you'r away... some people like to read up during lunch... hee hee